Experimental stage
The experimental stage is the first set of films ever to be created of a particular genre. This stage could have some of the most simplistic films of all four categories, this is because the films have only just started being created. A good example of the experimental stage is Nosferatu.
Nosferatu is a 1922 German Expressionist horror film directed by F.W. Marnau, based on the character of Dracula. Because the studio couldn't obtain the rights the film wouldn't be called Dracula and so it was called Nosferatu meaning Vampire.
Another film from the experimental stage is The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. It is a German silence horror film but is also another German Expressionist films, one of the most influential and also one of the greatest silent horror films.
Classic stage
The classic stage is the stage which has had the most successful and popular set of films from that genre. One example of a classic stage film is Dracula. (1931)
Dracula is a horror film directed by Tod Browing in 1931. The film is based upon Bram Stoker's novel 'Dracula
Another example of a class stage film is Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a monster horror film directed by James Whale. Since the film has been created is has became one of the most iconic horror films in history.
Parody stage
Parody are films are taking the mick out of something. In this example the horror is being mimicked in a funny way. For example the Scary Movie films, these films are American comedy films that have took the mick out of horror films. The first Scary Movie film came out July 2000 and has been the highest grossing film of the whole film series, for the first film some of the focus was from 1996 horror film scream, which comes under the deconstruction stage.
Deconstuction stage
Deconstuction films are films that have combine elements of different genres of films together when creating a film. A film that represents this stage is David Fitcher's thriller film Se7en. Se7en is a thriller film based upon the theme of the seven deadly sins staring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.

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