Halloween is a 1978 American independent horror film set in the fictional suburban town of Haddonfield, USA on Halloween a psychotic murderer institutionalized since childhood escapes on a mindless rampage while his doctor chases him through the streets. Halloween was produced on a budget of $320,000 and grossed $47 million at the box office in the United States equivalent to over $150 million as of 2008 becoming one of the most profitable independent films of all time. Many critics credit the film as the first in a long time of slash(1960) The movie originated many clichés found In low-budget horror films of the 80’s and 90’s. However, the film contains little graphic violence and gore.
The film starts with the opening title sequence the logos are in red text on a black background. The red representing blood and black as death. The colour changes from red to yellow to red to represent fire which represents pain and death, a flame could represent a pumpkin. Zooming in of the pumpkin, the camera moves closer towards the camera which makes us draw more attention onto it. The pumpin is used as it is one of the most recognisable symbols for halloween. Flickering of the flame inside the pumpkin and the dramatic music is done to add emphasis. The directors name is on the last frame of the opening title sequence with the rest of the production and cast name. The sound bridge of children voice sounds like a chant. Pan extreme long shot of a white house, the white makes the house look normal with normal people living there, white represents purity. The normally makes the story even more scarier because its not set in a horror house or mantion but somewhere where the audience would live. The hand held zoom onto the house gives the impression someone is creeping towards the house, and its what they can see. The faint image of the people behind the blinds gives the audience the impression they will be the target. The lights that turn off indicates something is sure to happen. In dark represents horror/evilness and death. If something was to happen in the light it wouldnt have as much emphasis as it does in the darkness. The sudden sound when the lights turns out adds emphasis to the lights been turned out it also forshadows that something happening in that room. The constant one tone sound makes the audience feel uncomfortable, then the piano sound ontop of that adds more drama and the sense that whatever is going to happen is happening soon. The knife is taken out of the draw and the blade is made obious to the camera, this makes it obvious that this type of weapson is more than likey to be used in the film. There is the diegetic sound of a clock chiming in the background, this suggest that time running out for the girl.
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